Crucial Conversations
Our client was frustrated with his leadership team because they failed to lead their teams progressively. Each month the targets were being missed and the leadership team would report back that with the exception of a few team members they were constantly having to micromanage. In addition, the company’s customers were reporting missing deliverables and our client was finding more and more mistakes occurring in each department. The final major concern our client shared was the looming anxiety he could feel in the environment. When he probed employees directly they seemed to be confused about what their general expectations were.
Strategy and Execution
Immediately we identified three major issues:
The company as a whole lacked clarity from the top down. Leaders weren’t clear on what the CEO expected and in return, the employees were not clear on what their managers expected.
Issues were going unaddressed for too long. The CEO needed to implement a formal communication structure. The managers lacked confidence and needed to learn how to have crucial conversations with their employees.
The company’s current performance, management, and feedback structure were ineffective.
The Results
We met with the CEO and made our recommendations. After discussing with him and his trusted advisors we began our process and implemented the following:
Crucial Conversations training and role play with the leadership team. Utilizing tools from Cy Wakeman’s “Reality-Based Leadership” and Kim Scott’s “Radical Candor” teachings
Partnered with the CEO to formalize a guide to effective communication and distributed it company-wide
Rolled out Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and a performance management structure that allowed for monthly 360-degree feedback
Implemented an incentive structure with an emphasis on avoiding unforced errors
Evaluated current team members to determine if they were good fits for the company and terminated those who were not
By implementing these actions, we were able to improve team performance, company-wide communications, and team member morale. Our client began experiencing a more positive and effective team environment while receiving fewer customer complaints.